McKenna Milton (Captain)


Year: Senior

Height: 5' 5''

Hometown: Littleton, CO

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Business & Leadership Program Major

Years Playing Ultimate: 4

Unpopular Opinion: Broccoli is disgusting

Abigail Bidegain (Captain)


Year: Senior

Height: 5' 4''

Hometown: Portland, OR

Field Position: Handler

Major(s): English and Communication Studies Majors

Years Playing Ultimate: 4

Unpopular Opinion: Cats are better than dogs 🤷‍♀️

Delaney Rudy


Year: Senior

Height: 3'4''

Hometown: Evergreen, CO

Field Position: She handle, she cut, we don't really understand these days

Major(s): Biology Major, Asian Studies Minor

Years Playing Ultimate: 6

Unpopular Opinion: Drake is whiny and his music is bad

Erin "Red" McMillin


Year: Senior

Height: 5' 8''

Hometown: Wheat Ridge, CO

Field Position: Handler

Major(s): International Political Economy and Natural Science Double Major

Years Playing Ultimate: 4

Unpopular Opinion: The 🙃is the most versatile emoji

Fiona "Six-One" Bruce


Year: Senior

Height: 5' 11''

Hometown: Anchorage, AK

Field Position: Handler

Major(s): Biology Major

Years Playing Ultimate: 4

Unpopular Opinion: All desks should be left handed

Jian Kettunen


Year: Senior

Height: 5' 4''

Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota

Field Position: Handler/Cutter

Major(s): Science, Technology, & Society and Environmental Policy & Decision Making Double Major

Years Playing Ultimate: 7

Unpopular Opinion: Peeing in the sink is better than peeing in the toilet

Mattie Peters


Year: Senior

Height: 5' 7.5''

Hometown: Ventura, CA

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Psychology Major, Sociology and Anthropology Minor

Years Playing Ultimate: 4

Unpopular Opinion: "I HATE CROCS"

Meadbh "Meeb" Koenigsberg (J. Captain)


Year: Junior

Height: 5' 11''

Hometown: Boulder, CO

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Politics and Government Major, Education Minor

Years Playing Ultimate: 3


Unpopular Opinion: Looking at the picture on the box when doing a puzzle is cheating

Sarah "Gouda" McClain


Year: Junior

Height: 5' 5''

Hometown: Madison, WI

Field Position: Handler

Major(s): Mathematics and Computer Science Majors

Years Playing Ultimate: 2.5

Unpopular Opinion: Frisbee is not a sport

Lilli Olson


Year: Junior

Height: 6'3"

Hometown: Sacramento, CA

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Communications Studies Major Religion Minor

Years Playing Ultimate: 1

Unpopular Opinion: "I LOVE elevator music"

Archie Gill


Year: Sophomore

Height: 5'3"

Hometown: Bellevue, WA

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Exercise Science Major

Years Playing Ultimate: 3

Unpopular Opinion: Smart watches are actually stupid

Bethany Llewellyn (J. Captain)


Year: Sophomore

Height: 5' 4''

Hometown: Corvallis, OR

Field Position: Handler

Major(s): Biology and Environmental Policy

Years Playing Ultimate: 11

Unpopular Opinion: XC skiing is better than downhill

Camille Goo


Year: Sophomore

Height: 5' 2''

Hometown: Sammamish, WA

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Japanese Major and Chemistry Minor

Years Playing Ultimate: 1

Unpopular Opinion: White cake is better than chocolate cake and cake is just meh

Emma Piorier (J. Captain)


Year: Sophomore

Height: 5'6"

Hometown: Saint Paul, MN

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): African American Studies and Spanish Major

Years Playing Ultimate: 6


Unpopular Opinion: Not a fan of Bernie

Sierra Cleary


Year: Sophomore

Height: 5'2"

Hometown: Portland, OR

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Exercise Science and Psychology Majors

Years Playing Ultimate: 0


Unpopular Opinion: "Raw kale just isn't that bad for you"

Ally Constantino


Year: Freshman

Height: 5' 5''

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Field Position: Handler but she sure does cut

Major(s): Exercise Science Major

Years Playing Ultimate: 9 

Unpopular Opinion: You CANNOT leave the house unless the color of your shoes match your outfit in AT LEAST one way

Bailey Ulrich


Year: Freshman

Height: 5' 8''

Hometown: Pleasant Hill, CA

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Exercise Science Major and BA Music

Years Playing Ultimate: 1

Unpopular Opinion: Walking in a straight line is hard

Claire Zable


Year: Freshman

Height: 5' 8''

Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Biology Major

Years Playing Ultimate: 0

Unpopular Opinion: A tall glass of milk is hard to beat

Izzy Pitman


Year: Freshman

Height: 5' 6''

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Field Position: Handler

Major(s): Something cool

Years Playing Ultimate: 7

Unpopular Opinion: Mayonnaise is a food group

Leona DeRango


Year: Freshman

Height: 5' 4''

Hometown: Saint Paul, MN

Field Position: 

Major(s): Something cool?!?

Years Playing Ultimate: 6

Unpopular Opinion: The Soviet Union actually won the space race

Natalie Yates


Year: Freshman

Height: 5' 7.5''

Hometown: Alamo, CA

Field Position: Cutter

Major(s): Biology Major and Japanese Minor

Years Playing Ultimate: 1

Unpopular Opinion: Pancakes are superior to waffles

Coach Spencer Sheridan

College: UPS '13 

Teams: Postmen Alum, Ex-Rainmaker, Birdfruit

Years Coaching Clearcut: 7

Unpopular Opinion: Keens are great shoes

Coach Corinne "Coco" Pingul

College: Whitman '14

Teams: Whitman Alum, Birdfruit

Years Coaching Clearcut: 2

Unpopular Opinion: Nachos are better with unmelted cheese